Insta Easy Tips to Save on Back-to-School
By: Jill Harrison

Sales are popping up across the country for Back-to-School shoppers. If you want to get the best deals and save big this year, follow these Insta Easy tips from InstaLoan to develop a school strategy. From Pre-K to College, shop smarter and save big for 2015!
Be Smart about College Textbooks
All college freshman learn their lesson first semester: NEVER buy from the bookstore! Utilize websites such as to buy or rent cheap textbooks. Decide if renting or purchasing would be a more cost effective choice based upon the books common resell value. It’s Insta Easy to save over $1000 a year by avoiding the last minute trip to the campus bookstore and planning ahead!
Supply Closet vs. Supply List
1 box of crayons? 2 glue sticks? Check for supplies at home before heading to your local store! Too often back-to-school lists make us feel like we need to buy all new. Chances are you may have several items laying around the house that you could check off the list!
The Bigger Picture
Spend time looking to save $50 on a graphing calculator - instead of the best deals on crayons. Sure, you can save a dollar on the smaller items such as pencils, glue and crayons; however, it is more beneficial to focus on finding the best prices the more expensive items on the list. Strategically map out your shopping to save time AND gas money as well.
Shop the Sales
You may feel the need to rush to tax-free weekends in order to stock up on clothing and supplies. It seems like big savings however, you’re really saving less than 10%. Look for larger sales – 20%, 30% and more! Sometimes, the even bigger sales happen AFTER kids start back. Hold off on the majority of non-essential purchases until a few weeks past the first day or even take the extra step to stock up on necessary items for next year while they are cheap. It’s Insta Easy to save $$!
Go Green for Lunch
Zip-lock bags and plastic utensils can add up over time. Keep all of that plastic out of the landfills and invest in re-usable supplies ( You’ll help your wallet AND the environment!